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Token Economy

The Tokens

The Cost

Running Low

Prioritize and Strategize and Communicate

The tokens represent your current capacity. You only have so much time or energy for any given day. Some days we have plenty of extra time, energy, and bandwidth. These days we don't usually pay attention to our tokens and can get everything done. When we are running low is when we need to pay attention

All activities have a cost, but the cost is different for everyone. Some people may find mowing the lawn a 0 token activity (no mental effort). Others might find it a 3-5 token activity (lots of physical effort). Some things like selfcare have an up front cost (2 tokens to get off the couch, put on shoes, get out of the house), but may earn coins (more energy after! Spent 2 tokens but came back with 3!!!)

There are plenty of reasons you may be running low on tokens (responsibilities in your life, mental health struggles, medical struggles, etc.) It happens to all of us. When we can feel that our bandwidth/capacity is running low, we need to count our tokens and spend them wisely. 

Make sure you use your tokens on high priority aspects of your life. Maybe it's getting your child to school or meeting a deadline, but it could also be eating a meal or taking a shower. Count your tokens and decide what NEEDS to be done. It helps to communicate with others. Maybe doing dishes would cost your 5 whole tokens (it seems like a lot), but it would be a 0 token task for your partner. Chose self care where you breakeven or earn tokens. 

Based on Christine Miserandino's spoon Theory

Image of Token Economy Worksheet
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