Sarah Bartholomew-Fisher, LCSW

Soup Breathing
Breathe in through your nose
Breathe out through your mouth
Imagine getting ready to eat a bowl of your favorite soup
Imagine holding a spoon full of the yummy soup to your nose. Breathe in the smell slowly. If you breathe in too quickly you will get soup in your nose, don't do that!!!! Fill your lungs with yummy smelling air. Your chest should fill with air, and maybe joy about eating your favorite soup.
You want to eat the soup.... but it is too hot. Because you filled your lungs with so much yummy smelling air, your lungs are going to want to let the air out quickly, but you need to be careful, the soup is hot. Carefully blow out slowly over the soup on the spoon. You can see the soup moving on the spoon, don't blow to hard or hot soup will get all over everything!!!
Sometimes we need to calm down. If we are feeling too angry, sad, excited, or energetic our brains don't work as well and we can't make good choices. We need to calm our brains down so that we can make good choices!! One way to do this is to take soup breaths.
I know the soup smells yummy, but it is still hot. Keep taking slow breathes in and out until the soup, and you, have cooled down.